Pirate's Dinner Adventure
This is BeyondTheParks.com's pick for the best dinner theater show -- and value -- in Orlando. It's a lavish production that has a bit of everything. From crisply choreographed stunts to musical performances to romance to comedy, Pirate's Dinner Adventure is the area's sunken treasure. You start off in a pre-show area where Princess Anita has beckoned you over. Then Pirates storm the appetizer buffet, taking Anita and her court hostage. Who will prevail? A sit-down dinner awaits as the Broadway-style action show continues in a surprisingly large dinner theater. Ahoy there mateys, this one's a winner!
TIPS -- Arriving early will allow you more time to explore the pre-show area before more guests arrive though it's not necessary.
Tip: Order your Pirate's Dinner Theater tickets online -- at a discount -- and receive free shipping! Limited time offer!
DIRECTIONS -- Pirates is located at 6400 Carrier Drive in Orlando, near International Drive (just south of Universal Orlando).
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